
Stay classy, Mom, strike your one-year old as much as you need to. Cripes, I can certainly understand her motivation, but to what end? To teach the child that it's a violent world? That you are seen as a burden by your mother? Quality parenting. You're doing it wrong. And good for the flight attendant for stepping in.

@blyan: Can't argue with that. And I will admit that I wish I could have purchased an expensive car when I was 15. Just didn't have the bangs....or the voice!

@blyan: He has certainly made a success of himself. Not my cuppa tea, but then I'm not a 14-year old girl.

I predict that little Justin will soon have to contend with Nature and biology. The moment that twee little voice cracks, his career is done. Then, back to the Great White North with you! There's a spot for you during the Calgary Stampede...

@beehunt: I believe that iPods, iPhones, etc. all contain internal moisture sensors. (Maybe other smart phones, too!) These sensors disable the device when they detect moisture to prevent shorts or other damage to the circuitry. In other words, working as designed. Now, they should stop sensing when the moisture is

@Hello! My name is Anonymous: Lou Reed wants a word with you...

I should NOT have done this?!? NOW you tell me....

@Deep-Blue: But vill you touch my minkee?!? Touch it!!

@Enochrewt: I beg to differ. I had an iPhone 3G which was, frankly, a pretty shitty phone. My new 4 has made so many improvements (in comparison) I really can't complain. The speaker phone sounds much better, and I have not had a dropped call. Nor have I experienced the "grip of death" but I did purchase and use a

I sure hope you're not using this (inanimate) carbon rod!!

@veronykah: I live in NYC, and recently spent time in Atlanta. I was thrilled to be able to rent a car for about four hours, and bonus, it was parked right outside my hotel. Hope you get better opportunities in LaLaLand too!

@DaCapin: Unlike, say, the Zune or Windows Vista or X-Box or anything Microsoft puts out. Puleeze. Apple is far from perfect, but if you are relying on ANY company's PR machine to judge the quality of its products, you are making a serious error in judgment. Working as designed.

@SkaHimself: News of this has apparently not yet reached parts of Nigeria.

Zipcar, ftw!

@phicaluk: Oh, puleeze. In my department (IT, fwiw!) so many people use "Reply to All" when a simply reply would be sufficient. Luckly, I know where the "Delete" key other personal pet peeve is the endless FW: messages. Please, edit out the first fifteen replies; I only really need to know what YOU are

With a single, winsome gesture, the lady shares her IQ with the world. Wonder if she threw the finger at her little sister's graduation, too? Stay classy....

This post is full of win. Now, STFU and DIAF...(just kidding!)

@Fogg: No, Kyle! I already told you, my Mom did NOT appear on the cover of "Scheisse Magazine!!"

@bobbo33: Where are those TPS reports??

@HerdingCats: I will join you on this. I can not say that what she does is not "art," but it fails (for me), in that it does not entertain/interest me. A nice concept, taken waaaaay too far. I was at the museum on Sunday, and passed on the opportunity to sit with her. Ah, well, to each his/her own. And like many solo