
Let's Dream Cast Dr. Smith. Who shall it be?

Great Gazoo!? How old are you Danette?

Not very familiar with Apex Twin. Can someone point me towards their catchiest tune?

Imagine how soul crushing it would be to have that job.

Does he slaughter the pigs himself?

Real estate in Nashville is expensive! Two albums/house at least!

"…everything that Jack White fans expect." There are still Jack White fans? Not in the AV Club comments, surely!

Gilles Deleuze! Jezus, Ig!

Michael C was on qualudes.

That's convenient. Two albums in one that I can avoid.

"The exterior shots of the plane don’t work (they’re too plasticky and
weightless), but also kind of do, considering that one of the movie’s
rhetorical ideas is that nothing can perfectly recreate what goes into a
real-life crisis."
Verrry nice, Ignatz. Very good.

Who are you?

You fatties need to eat less, not more. Now go do some jumping jacks!

It wasn't that good :(

+ 1 for dumbass

Sounds like Renaldo and The Loaf inspired the soundtrack

Sometimes Canadians just can't bridge the uncanny valley for us Americans. The are too Canadian.

Could use more choruses.

eh, it's all just a fake feud to set up a Wrestlemania thing.