
Is it too much to ask for a Jeff Goldblum cameo?

I hope Fox News never discovers the AV Club comment section.

If you like your plan you can keep your plan.

Uh, what was puzzling about the end of Enemy? It was the big fucking spiderall along!

Got to admit it's hard to decide which of these two is the worst.

I really loved seeing the movie Hard Candy without knowing who Ellen Page was (and not realizing it was Patrick Whatshisname because he is so anonymous). Now it's just Patrick Whatshisname and *ELLEN PAGE THE OVERACTOR*

Me too. The dog watch is curtailed :) Just finished rereading the Hornbloweriad myself.

21 books to tide you over until then.

Stephen Maturin in a hoodie.

Fuck You, Internet!

More garlic!

You millenials sure like to bitch and moan alot. Its like you are getting paid by the sigh.

Funny hat joke

All of David Byrne's music sounds exactly the same, and it's all terrible. The only good thing the Talking Heads did was The Tom Tom Club's one song. The only good thing Byrne ever did was My Life In The Bush Of Ghost, and that was mostly Eno. Terrible.

In that pic above Tim Olyphant is looking dangerously close to the Men Who Look Like Old Lesbians phase of his career.

Here's a reminder to check out "Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind" from your local library. The audiobook is abridged (mercifully) and quite good, read by Barris himself. Makes a good compliment to the movie you saw 10 years ago.

Bong's The Host is soooo good. Make sure to see it if you haven't - it's on Netflix.


Horseshoe : )