
Back to work people! Those Jpgs aren't going to export themselves!

Nazis. I hate these guys.

Not in Austin. We don't like Ghostbusters here.

This article is not what I imagined when I googled "male-dominated DP", alas.

It. Is. Later. Than. You. Think…. Brought to you by Ironized Yeast. [Cymbal Crash!!!]

They dug coal together.

Arnold's films Fish Tank and Red Road are pretty intense. Looking forward to this one.

Yeah, whatev. Who plays Linder? I've always said that if you took all the LInder scenes from the US Bridge and assembled them into a supercut (and cut out everything else)it would make a much much more interesting show. I guess I'll have to torrent Final Cut Pro and do it myself.

A new 27 Club inductee.

Shoulda just picked up Axel Rose to handle vocals for the rest of the tour.

Yeah, me too. One of the things that set me on the wrong path that led to commenting on AV Club among other things.

Oooh! Thank you very much!

Get a time machine, go back in time to the mid-80's and catch it on NightFlight. Best place to see it :)

Stop trying to make this Simpsons thing happen!


Wait. Adele is a guy? Well that might explain her lower range I guess.

Well, Anton Yelchin's character ain't playing bass anymore after what they did to his fingers….

Kindo looks like a young, hip, gay Hank Hill :/

Remember: there are more of them than there are of you.