
See you at the Mohawk.

Klingons should be next.

Fun fact: brothers Snoop and Evan Dogg are actually fraternal twins.

Sigh… It's terrible…

Oh, that sexy sexy Fred MacMurray! Yowza!

Frank Whaley!! All right!!

Saw them in Austin last Fall. Go if you have a chance! Absolutely great.

Sean Penn will star - he's a natural at getting bowels rumbling when he appears on screen.

Dog on the sidewalk, dog on the sidewalk, I saw.

Oh goodie! When is the tour??? See Deerhoof live if at all possible!

Great staging, terrible music.

Admit it: you watched the whole series alone.

Mary Sue Steals The Death Star Plans!!!!!!

Sigh….. Not "Based Off". *Based ON* Get it together Hughes.

Any spoilers for current season that just ended?

Thanks Gwen! Love Jack Benny so much - makes me laugh 100 times more than anything.

Based ON. Based ON. Not Based OFF. Based ON.

Mr Wonder is from West Monroe, LA too. Huh.