
"…ISIL and other extremists are probably a greater threat to the U.S. than the Soviet Union was in 1983." Stick to film criticism, Mike.

You think Kirkman has a really nice house in Beverly Hills now? Like he's gotten super super rich? Good for him.

Uh, sorry Michael Keaton. Mitch Rapp is pretty right wing, so, you know, D-.

What is a Dr. Luke? What is a Kesha?

RIP George R. R. Martin, never to finish that damn book.

Make sure to load up on Jr Mints, M&M's, popcorn and Dramamine at the concession stand.

Tarkovsky's movie was a masterpiece, but the actual novel/novella is quite different in its story, and a really awesome example of Soviet sci-fi. It could make a really really great TV adaptation, but someone with Transcendence on their hands will probably fuck it up. Too bad.

Ted Kennedy!

No Doz

Damici and Mickle make some bizarro but pretty great stuff together - check out their oeuvre if you haven't seen it.

A supercut of only Linder's scenes - sans any and all other content from The Bridge - would make a by-far better show than The Bridge.

Wow, this looks excruciatingly terrible. Is that Batman jr?

The more important question: When does End Of The Tour go away from Netflix?

Reminds me of Bill Hicks trying to explain David Koresh (the Branch Davidian) to non-Texans: So, Koresh is a frustrated guitarist, with a messianic complex, armed to the teeth and trying to fuck everything in a skirt in sight - sounds like every one of my friends in Austin.

Poor, poor Martha… :(

I was looking up an old Bill Hicks joke and it just dawned on me that Clark is really rocking a David Koresh look.

I sat in the Sire Records A&R office in LA back in the 80s and watched Howie Klein put on cassette tape after cassette tape of demos from the hopeful next Depeche Mode or The Cure or Echo and the Bunnymen or whatever. He would listen to about the first 20 seconds of each cassette, then pop it out and toss it into the

Ashley Judd has been living in Twin Peaks for a looooooooonnnnnnnnngggggg time.

Go away, Con-yay.