
See all of Ben Wheatley's stuff if you haven't. Super super great movies.

Nope. Communism is. - A Texan

Best album was Life. So, so good, so lightweight and fluffy and no pressure, young. Everything after First Band On The Moon sounds exactly the same, like it's super compressed in mastering or something. Terrible.

Thanks Will. Best feature on AV Club.

Here come the facial reels!

I am so there for that film.

Dammit, why is this movie taking so long to come out!!!!???? I feel like I've been waiting for years!

Sigh. The Oscar nominated movies this year are horrible, and this is just another reason to not tune in to the show. See you next year when Longergan's new one loses to some politically acceptable movie.

Does the dog die?

I suggest a Ben Wheatley retrospective if you haven't had one. American ears might need English subtitles tho.

How much carbon was added to the atmosphere with all the CGI processing for that stupid Noah movie? DA has a lot of atoning to do for that.

That Hockney has come around again! It's 2016!

Holding out for the right-wing Grindr myself.

A millionaire nerd is still a nerd!

Putting this out there: HACF & The Americans crossover!

Wait, Kenneth Lonergan is directing the next Thor?

Yeah that happened to me when I was a kid. My parents took Rover to "the farm out in the country". Poor Toto!

Where the hell is Toto?

Drudge trolling the universe.

I just don't know what to say
Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday