
I didn't see the pizzas :(

I lived in Iowa City for a while and had relations with some folks from Fairfield. They are a laid back bunch, and richer than the pope. Very nice people.

You got Jezebel in my AVClub!

If you play it in multiple tabs at the same time it's even better. I have 10 tabs playing now. So great.

That whole cast is playing to the rafters alright.

Aw man, I thought it would be Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Rats.

Frankly keeping away from AV Club commentariate's political opinions is a *very* good policy. What a bunch of twerps.

As long as everyone ends up dead I'll be happy.

I imagine Parnell's worst job has to be hosting America's Funniest Home Videos.

You know, Gaiman should probably rewrite Am Gods to have the old mythological gods duke it out with the new American Gods Batman, Spiderman, Superman, X-Men, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Avengers, It Follows, etc. Lot of sequel potential there.

Boy, that Idris Elba is one good looking bloke.

A little too pinko there towards the end.

Oh comeon! How could you not use a header photo from Withnail and I? Bad form, Alex!

It's like if Kenneth Anger made a movie now and got everybody to star in it. Great.

I think that was Samuel L Jackson, but whatever.

LOL. Canadians. So weird.

I don't know anything about Pokemon or GTA so this doesn't make any sense to me.

Shouda done Cormac McCarthy's The Kid.

Wut, no Papillon? No Bullitt? No Great Escape? No Getaway?

"Based off of?" What, are you a New Yorker or something, like "Stand on line"?