
Goddammit! Is Hannibal really bleeding out and dieing so pathetically???? WTF Comi Con? Where is the big announcement about some network swooping in and saving this show?

I sure hope Matt Damon is the star in the Ready Player One movie. That would be perfect. Nothing says great sci-fi movie like Matt Damon. Think of all the classic sci-fi box office hits that have had MD at top billing. He's the champ.

Now if Achewood would just come back :(

How about 1st runner up! Just in case Jon Hamm can't fulfill his Emmy responsibilities.

Was season 2 any good? I loved season one, but it was exhausting. Peers have told me they didn't like 2 much tho. Any thoughts?

[Vaccine Joke]

20 Years later - You Are Old.

I'm happy to hear that AM is still cashing those checks. Good for her.

U Mad? You just got trolled by Hulu. Hulu, Jerry!

Hannibal could take down all the Heroes in one gormandolicious weekend.

Saw them in a living room at a house on Monroe Street in Ruston, Louisiana in 1996. Great show.

Oooh, a band called New Low. Sounds cool. Am I reading that headline right?

Oh man, that's good. A+ to whoever came up with it.

Or make my CPU run over 100° C

Is that Jarden, as in Jar-Jar, or Jarden as in Yarden? Central TX pronunciations are sometimes a mouthful.

Man, how old is Donal Logue? I expect to find him in intros to CHiPs or I Dream Of Jeannie next :/

I suffered terrifying nighttime visits from Hat Man as a kid and spent decades thinking it was a personal thing. I get chills thinking about it even now. Then I heard about Hat Man & The Shadow People on Art Bell and realized it wasn't just me.

I'll give your the Bourne movies and a film here and there, but here's a quick list:

Got to try to drag in female audience. But it's no use. Matt Damon is in the movie, so no one will go see it.

Matt Damon = Flop. No use arguing. Not to mention Ridley Scott! Loved the book, btw, but Matt Damon? Groan.