Al Borland's Beard

Like the fourteenth amendment? Weird how Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act after that. Or how about the internment of Japanese citizens that was done on an executive order by FDR? Also, you're forgetting in your little civics lesson that the President has the power to bar immigration from certain countries.

Except there's no proof saying that's true. Maybe if we had a 23rd Congressional hearing?

The idea that having a racist individual in power isn't dangerous to anyone, but themselves.

Is this a Ben Ghazi thing?

"A racist and narcissistic individual is only a danger to themselves."

Who did Hillary Clinton's emails get killed?

I think that line of thinking is passable if we're talking about your racist uncle, but not the potential next President. Call me crazy, but I'd like to see someone in that position with a filter an an ounce of self awareness.

The media fucking loves him. They haven't had ratings like this in years.

Probably because she's not especially well liked. That, and there has been a heavier focus in the media on her failings than there have been for Trump's. Could be that there are so many on Trump's side that it's often impossible to dig deeper because they come so fast. Not unlike how the excess of viruses in Mr. Burns

Jesus Christ, it really shouldn't be that hard. The man has literally advocated for war crimes, alienated international allies, and is trying to become the fucking ottoman of a Russian dictator. Hillary has done what? Had a private email server and told the same fucking lies that every current politician does? They

And the alternative of "Wholly incompetent tit who would lead us into war over a tweet about his hair" is better?

No, it isn't. Clinton is your standard politician. She's morally gray in a lot of areas, but none of them are things we haven't seen before. Trump is the most incapable person to ever come this close to elected office. He literally doesn't have a clue about anything and probably doesn't even want the job.

But Trump, like most bigots, only expresses this when at largely white rallies or through Twitter. He didn't rail against black people when speaking in a majority black church in Detroit, nor did he say anything of Mexicans until back in the safety of one of his rallies in Arizona. He's a coward.

Both sides aren't great, but again, to pretend they're equally bad is to overlook a lot of things on the Donald Trump side.

Again, I don't think Hillary is a great candidate by any means, but there is no way she would be the same as Donald Trump, a man with zero political experience and whose business experience has been a long history of screwing over other people. He's more than just "a dick".

I get that, but to actually compare them as somehow equally bad seems a bit disingenuous. Trump is a train wreck on every level. Also, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are not viable candidates, so this is who we have.

That's why I've abstained from all of those Lays new flavor elections.

I've never made a claim that either of them were, but Trump's "telling it like it is" is usually more of a talking point amongst his supporters than it is for Hillary's.

Has there been an honest word spoken by Donald Trump this entire campaign? He's not even the straight talker people make him out as every time he's been in a room full of people he normally blasts, he shrivels up like his hands in a bath.

He also loves fast food, because he "knows what's in it".