Al Borland's Beard

To be fair, the episode description on Netflix pretty much says the same thing.

I loved the line about the sloth. It's horrifying, but Jared's delivery was perfect.

Yeah, fuck that guy. He can't even pay for his own children.

What a pointless comment.

How dare she see white people as oppressors when there are currently groups of white people trying to oppress her and think of her as subhuman. Fuck, you're a particularly whiny little snowflake.

/Waits for comment about how naming a show 'Dear White People' is the real racism.

I was wondering the same thing. If so, it takes away pretty much all the stakes

I'm a little confused on the consequences of actions in The Framework. For example, is Agnes completely gone from The Framework since she's been killed there? What happens if one of the characters die? I would imagine they could just essentially re-spawn them since they're not real.

Some people cut holes into melons, some people use inverted hog anus. Different strokes.

Do you find it ironic that conservatives have been doing it at various NFL stadiums.

Weird how those kids have still been in his meetings with world leaders.

I think I'll wait for the shirt of Kid Rock fucking an eagle that's trapped in the grill of a Pontiac.

I think of the techno song from Blade whenever I imagine that I'm doing something cool.

It's all gentle fun and games until someone declares war on Christmas, eh Bill?

What does your friend "Tyler" have to do with anything the other poster or I had said about that term?

Cool story, bro.

Sure, when I was sixteen and an asshole.

Yeah, nothing gets a woman going like a guy who says "pussy whipped".

Because he has a girlfriend, or because he talked with her?

I'm just so fucking tired of all the "He tells it like it is" bullshit. He's the same as Internet trolls and racist assholes in that he only does so in the safety of like-minded company or the Internet. Oooh, what a brave fucking stance to say racist shit about Mexicans at an all white rally in Arizona, or to say a