
@HC: Yeah, dSLRs don't use a rolling shutter for still photographs.

@Andy Mesa: I was out of the country for eight months, and when I returned and reinstated my Netflix membership, I was actually surprised when a disc arrived. I had completely forgotten that discs were still part of the deal. I've been holding on to that copy of the Godfather for months now. Too many good movies to

Telltale fighting game? Telltale fighting game.

@☆Giroro G66☆: Play the first couple of Gabriel Knight games. Great stuff!

@gelatinous_d: Great analysis. Also lower income people often do not have computers and they use their phones to communicate whereas many people with computers primarily email. Seriously?

@Croaker: The assumption I was referring to is that "everybody on this site" pays full retail.

@Croaker: That's a big assumption you're making.

@tbotello: None of my offers required shipping fees. But shit, $60 Xbox is a great deal.

@KamWrex: I'm sorry! Did you buy a DS with the money?

@KamWrex: I did one of those free DS things a few years back as well... And they accidentally sent me TWO DSs! What a day that was. I did have to bug them a bunch for it. But hey, free DS. All I had to do was sign up for a bunch of free trials of various things.

@MarcianTobay: Helen Keller can't SEE anything, you insensitive jerk.

@ShayGuy: It's probably a pretty standard theory when someone you like does something you don't.