
It's actually not at all. 120Hz settings on TVs are an interpolation scheme, viewing a 60fps source at its native frame rate would look nothing like the jittery, disgusting mess that is viewing a 24fps source at 120Hz.

Not really the same thing...

Ha, yeah, I have the same conversation with some salespeople. They're like "But it's new and awesome." and I'm like AAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH

"either for slow motion of to make a battle scene look particularly realistic"

Wow, where'd you find a new copy of Rock Band 3 for Under $8?

That's not a single sentence. It's three sentences.

It's a regular Mad Men reunion up in this joint. I don't even watch the show and I spotted three Mad Men actors. Are there more?

Clicking through to read the interview, I don't think Aronofsky is talking about a Batman story. The question is "Do you ever feel like realising your vision of SOMETHING LIKE the Batman story that you were working on as a comic book?" (emphasis mine)

@James Cain: I was actually thinking I liked how the shields looked less like "S"s and more like believable alien characters.

PG-13 is fine! Liefeld never wrote any "R-Rated" comic stories with Deadpool!

@cutmaclass: Harmonix knows which DLC you've downloaded because in the music store when you select a song you already have the option is "download again" instead of "purchase." I understand that it's a brand new file but from the consumer end purchasing the same song all over again feels like getting ripped off. If

Yay! Fire the writers, fire Darabont, fire the actors! All for the betterment of TWD. Keep the makeup guys, though. Those are some great looking zombies.

@Zubieta: Seriously! Watching it burn with the potassium chloride or whatever made my lungs hurt.

@dailycupofjoe: "In this day and age when HD and FPS's mean everything (as you've seen by all the COD and Halo sales compared to everything else on wii)."

@ShanaLD: It wasn't uninteresting and cheesy. But it was hilarious and awesome.

@soldstatic: If I'm in a serious fight where I'm in danger of actual physical harm, I'm destroying some balls. I don't care what country I'm in.

@caldweab: Seriously. I hate these blowing up / smashing perfectly good electronics stunts. It's really disgusting. Especially in light of the "conflict minerals" stories that came to light a couple months ago.