
So here's my conspiracy theory: Google has long been a supporter of net neutrality, right? But the government has failed to pass any meaningful net neutrality laws. Why? Maybe because this abstract techie danger has failed to resonate with them as anything concrete and meaningful. So Google, being the giant,

MAN! I tried to play the Flash version that Totilo played... It's HORRIBLE! Laggy, uncomfortably laid out controls... Ugh. Figure out a way to play it the way it was meant to be played.

@DRaGZ: That's actually a pretty brilliant and interesting solution.

@The Yam!: Not just the toxins released by the burning, but the energy consumed in their production and shipping... All a waste. They all look brand new, too. Produced, just to be burned. Ugh. It's disgusting.

@albo: Really, though. This is disgustingly irresponsible.

Looks like all those people in the Congo DID die for something worthwhile!


I can't believe the writers didn't take advantage of the opportunity to have the Losties in later seasons cohabitating the same time frame as themselves from earlier seasons (other than a couple of moments that didn't amount to much). So many opportunities for them to interact and explain so many mysteries in a way

@Strages: If you weren't strafing through walls of imp fire, you were doing it wrong!

@Gameslaya: No, you're right. The shotgun can be found in level one.

@albo: O shit, nevermind. $1500!?

@Roth: This guy's probably 18, loves Mario, is the best artist in his high school, copied a painting he loves... People keep telling him he could "totally sell it." And he is about to get swamped with hate.

@TRT-X: Yeah, but if you claimed "I hand painted this Mona Lisa" people would realize it was a copy. I don't think anyone would be upset by that, honestly.