
@Cliff_Roswell: Not a still from the movie, not a movie prop, just a logo sticker someone in production slapped on their iPhone...

@collex: I thought it was just called spelling.

@Limeade: Seriously. Kick Ass himself wasn't all that interesting in the movie.

@collex: Pretty sure that's not a movie prop, but a still from an interview or something...

Zoom in on Woody's face on the product page—he's SO SAD!!! :-(

@Dracoster: I hated hated HATED trackpads until I used a MacBook Pro at length. The multitouch functions speed up so much of my normal use. I wouldn't use it for doing any content creation (Photoshop, whatever) but for content consumption it really is a great peripheral.

@DRaGZ: Well, partly. Marvel and DC make a ton of money without much in the way of fresh ideas.

@DRaGZ: Now that I agree with.

@DRaGZ: What superhero is Spawn a direct ripoff of? I can't really think of one... I can't think of one for Savage Dragon either. And The Maxx? I certainly can't think of one for him... Youngblood debuted as (but didn't keep up) a satire of pop culture that I'd never read in comics but that has been 'ripped off'

@OrbitalGun: That woman's boyfriend would have been the victim if he DID get those pics.

@albo: That being said, I love my bare bones 15-inch MacBook Pro.

@bazookafox: Yeah, it's terrible in there. I walked in and a greeter said

"So Tara called Dell tech support for help with her new Dell computer and her Dell-icate problem..." Hah! Whoever wrote that copy gets an award from me.

@the7k: The size of the unit would increase a bunch because they'd have to move all the electronics that currently live "under" the buttons to the center node or whatever that you couldn't detach. Not a bad idea, though. But wouldn't it get annoying having to buy new control schemes for all the games coming out?

Are we sure they aren't designed by the same folks? If not... that is no question a direct lift.

Why did this server crash!? I want one so badly!

@KamWrex: This doesn't happen with Apple's trackpad. You can pick up your finger briefly, reposition and continue the drag. Which brings up its own issues, sure, but not the specific problem you mention.

@WildWon: O man, you missed out on the multiplayer. It was really ahead of its time. Tons of options, mass chaos and gore all the time, crazy powerups. I'm sure you can imagine based on the single player experience. It made D00M multiplayer look like a day at the library.

Portal is the best candidate for 3D I can think of. I was not interested in 3D gaming until this article made me think of how awesome 3D portals would look.