
@WildWon: Rise of the Triad was one of the first games I really got into multiplayer four. That was some great fun.

Lyle Smithsonian?! These "Western" names are ridiculous...

@Go Vols!: It's a funny world. This is a huge problem for me when watching 3D. The image is just dimmer, and the colors duller. When shooting the film, the cinematographer wouldn't consider putting a piece of cheap tinted plastic in front of the lens because it would deteriorate the image hitting the film. When

@neolex: I think it's just a pun. Like "Don't go to Anaheim." Except he had access to a goat, so...

Hearing "redneck assholes" just makes me yearn for a "Redneck Rampage" sequel. Now THAT was a shooter.

... How can you put Lack of Multiplayer in the "HATED" section when the game HAS multiplayer, you just don't have anybody to play it with?

Hmm... Secret Wars isn't "another dimension" like 2099 and Noir are... There's gotta be something else at play here. Ultimate Black Spidey, at least. There is some sort of "misty" effect going on with the suit... He's not shiny and bump-mapped like the others, more ephemeral... But no storyline jumps to mind

Really, though, if you're good enough the handicapping won't stop you from winning. Blue shells don't make much of a difference if you are far enough ahead. In fact, a handicap will drive you to become an even better player than you might be otherwise because you'll always have to fight to stay dominant.

Heck yeah, more of this please!!!

A2M? As in... Ass to mouth? No wonder the game sounds so... shitty.

Wait, I'll give you Silence of the Lambs, but WHY doesn't LOTR count?

@Ctsephion: Actually, that's probably why he's in the game. I sat behind him at a press screening of Postal in New York and he was cracking up and commenting LOUDLY on all of his favorite parts. He had apparently seen it before, as there was a lot of "oh this is my favorite part." He seemed pretty chummy with Uwe and

Man that is some really cool shit.

Man, leaving the power hogging 360 on all night long 'cause you're impatient? Al Gore would be so upset.