Albino Horse Eye

It's a legitimate reason to dislike Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, although I actually thought it was a fun movie anyway.

Damn it, it does say DIK. I can't un-see that now.

What's your fee to license a commercial offering of your likeness peeing on the "The Dissolve" logo?

It has a genetically pure beat und one can well goose step to it. Acht Punkte.

*tents fingers*

If he lost a LOT of weight and got thrown across a field, he would be Javelin Smith.

It's whaffer thin.

"French fry when you pizza, you're gonna have a bad time."

I think you just need to cunt-hyphenate it.

It's "by my brother and me." And sit up straight. What's wrong with you?

His name is Abner.

Her joining the Gits brought so much attention to the band, that she might well be considered the GitHub.

The Magic Raylan quip we got was his touching farewell speech to Daryl, "Didn't I tell you you were gonna wish I'd a killed you? Well, doncha?"

Can't sleep; vagina'll eat me.

So, shut up and sit down
and watch BonerTime.
Ya buncha freaks.

so sweet and so cold

What, like a bandersnatch?

Then you might not be privy to the fact that the streets are paved with diamonds and there's just so much to see, but the best thing about New York City is you and me.

Counterpoint: New York's a Go-go, and everything tastes nice.

"So, how 'bout it, Al?"
"I'm tired, Harvey. I'm tired."