Albino Horse Eye

Tony Blair Witch Project

If they want to be all retro, they should switch the logo to a scrambled signal where you can just make out a boob or two for a couple of seconds.

Salsa? Seltzer?

sduolc yffulf elttil

My beagle does not bark. I think that an I'll-never-bark-again trauma must have befallen him before we snatched him as a puppy from the shelter nigh on 6 or 7 years back. He does howl, I won't lie to you. Especially when somebody is playing the piano, and especially especially if it is Linus and Lucy. Ms. HorseEye can

I know you really falafel about that.

I know what you mean. The deal with atomic-level hard drives that represent 1s and 0s with the polarity of a single atom is not as exciting when you consider the necessity of including a liquid nitrogen-cooled microscope to read and write to the medium, which is not the sort of thing for which miniturization has ever

You know who designed that headlight bulb nestling knuckle scraping assembly? Fucking Dan, that's who.

Incontinence Abroad

* Shakes sheleighly in accord *

The squirrels have a right-of-way through my attic.

You just have to resin yourself to it.

The Spy who Shagged Flies

go away, baitin.

Mr. Fonda only wishes he were Pee Wee Herman.

What? He got toes made outa ants or some shit?

Veritable, simply veritable.

It's not Varsity Material.

Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball ®

Are you sure that's not Koka Booth Ampitheatre at 1:54? I could be wrong, but I get a spark of recognition from it and I remember a guy there with oxygen tanks.