Albino Horse Eye

From Vanuatu did Kubla Khan a dubious doctorate receive
In something called Revoking of Excommunicatory Reprieves

Loving Teenagers with Sodomy 3: Reamin' in Paris

You will accidentally run up any wall you come close to. Deal with it.

Let me check that for you. F is just one less than 10, so 9 * F would be 9 less than 90, and I don't want to take off my shoes to do this, so 90, 8f, 8e, 8d, 8c, 8b, 8a, 89, 88, 87 Bingo! I'd hate to be a damn computer.

This is more than just the show I watch between Game of Thrones and Veep. It's making the world a better place through minimal message-oriented transport layers. I'm really enjoying the buzz-word mockery, and expect it to escalate as the multi-tiered content delivery mechanism that it promises to be, domain-specific

*Zips pants, walks away to sad Peanuts Christmas music*

This one sticks out in my mind for some reason.
Top ten things overheard at the 1988 Vice Presidential Debates:
#1. Oh yeah, well you're no George Kennedy.

Tony Shalhoub should be fine voicing the warrior-monk, because, he played Monk in the tv show Monk, as I recall.

No, that was Duran Duran.

More powerful than a bag of hammers . . .

I won't go, but I take comfort in its existence.

I don't like your to-each-according-to-his-need justification for choosing Hannibal, Todd. If Game of Thrones wins, it will be because it paid the Iron Price to win, and if Hannibal wins, no one will be sure whether they had voted for it or just dreamed it. Frankly, I'm disgusted that voting enters into it at all, as

Don't listen to that may the fourth nonsense. It's cinco de mayo eve which, if you're drunk enough, rhymes with, boy was the marketing of jar jar binks ever naïve.

He was out of his element.

"Have some more kids, why don't ya?"

After his last appearance on Portlandia, he will always be Celery Guy to me, although that can only increase my enjoyment of Boardwalk Empire.

In Soviet Russia, your dick has a face.

The exploration of archeological mysteries is really fascinating, but what really hooks you is the foregone conclusion that it's always fucking aliens.

In Soviet Russia, controller flings you at television.

Fanny, hynie, c-cu- cupbearing woodchuck-cuckolding cuspidor.