Albino Horse Eye

A group of 12 monkeys eviscerate Al Capwne and feast on his entrails for what they assume is a spoiler of their eponymous Terry Gilliam film, which they haven't actually seen yet, but now what's the point?

*Giant bare foot descends from the Heavens, crushing Zack Snyder with an abrupt sound of flatulence*

We're Dusky Spats and the Teatime Pocket Squares, and we would like you to tour with us.

They only did it cause of fame! Who?

SNL routinely ignores Del Close's advice, "Play to the height of your intelligence." The Spotlightz Camp sketch is a glaring example of this. Compare the gimmick of that sketch to Molly Shannon's intense personal readings of cheesy after school special scripts. There's just much less depth to the joke of someone doing

Charles In Charge
of our days
and our nights
Charles In Charge
of our wrongs
and our rights
and I see
I want Charles in charge of me.

Circle Jerks for the soundtrack or GTFO!

Is that a fancy term for dildo?

Where's the retweet button on this thing?


Drinkin' your own milk ain't Milk Life, lady. Naturally, that's going to taste whack. Try someone else's or get a second opinion on your own product from another person. That's how you live Milk Life solid, yo.

It's unwise to pooh-pooh the repercussions of an ill-placed pun thread.

Which should under no circumstances be changed, and I'm serious.

Weed 'n' feed, man.

Ha HA! You bogeyed that race to a lame punch line, my friend.

About dorfty-dorf pounds


burrito, amigo, girl I wanna take you
down to Kokomo
we'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow
that's where I want to go
Cake flavored M&Ms.


Black card: I drink to forget ______.