Albino Horse Eye

Are you sure that was Worcester vodka as opposed to steak sauce?

Who's eating Gilbert's Grapes?

Jerry and Jerry, the Sizzler Sisters!

Shia LaBeouthoven

She's your sissy and your mother. . . forget it Jake, it's As-yet-untitled town.

I was absolutely delighted with it. It starts off, oh no, another damned game show sketch. But no, there's some business to take care of regarding assigning culpability for a clogged toilet. The clogged toilet per se is not funny. Well, a clogged toilet is hilarious to me, but that's not the main source of humor


(Rash)Ida Know did the downvote.

There's a holdup in the Bronx.
Brooklyn's broken out in fights.
There's a traffic jam in Harlem that's backed up to Jackson Heights.
There's a scout troupe short a child.
Kruschev's due at Idlewilde
Car 54 Where Are You?

So, the Spiteful Six 86'ed the Hateful Eight?

Racialist is the practice of racism with cunnilingus in the middle. Didn't you read the letter?


Her reaction was two words short of my favorite expression of dismay, "My heart just fell out my ass."

Since I've met you and moved to Sydney, I haven't listened to one ABBA song. It's because now my life's as good as an ABBA song. It's as good as Dancing Queen.

Neither detective said anything like, "Holy shit, look at that fucking owl," so I have to assume it was a Key Grip's owl that got into the shot by accident.

Billy Prole Hole over here.

It's getting very hard to saa-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ayayay.

She's like a hip Dennis Leary with boobs and original material.

Yeah, it is. What's weirder is I hadn't read the Harry Potter books before, but I've been reading them to my daughter. We're in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire now, and, holy shit, last night I read her the chapter where Barty Crouch is introduced. Coincidences are weird. I mean, if it's not a coincidence then my

That's some sung-froid pedantry right there.