Albino Horse Eye

"Nut Job" is slang for a person suffering from a severe mental illness.

Everyone else had a verb, but no one said
"Jake and Finn-gering"

If I weren't indiscriminate, I wouldn't be eating at Cracker Barrel.

Finnsters? Jake-offs?

Microbial Risk Assessments of Happy Meals have shown the food to have a very low incidence of microbial populations, largely due to the lack of nutritional content that might support one.


Holy cats! I just posted "hoard of demons" in the Devil's Due story, and here you're correcting me eight hours earlier. WHICH!

@Tity Boi: Why don't you go watch some television to relax?

Don't you find that out the hard way.

Because Heisenberg's recipe bypassed the need to enlist people for "smurfing" of Sudafed and other semi-controlled sources of that chemical, the inherent smurfiness of the process had to express itself in the color of the product.

That must have been quite Harrowing for you.

You keep your satanic repeating decimals to yourself.

I 8 2 much pot8o salad and now I falafel.

For Pete Sakes, let's not split hairs with idiomatic phrases. Mr. Sakes is bald, after all.

The Handsome Family is great. They're like if Flannery O'Connor and William Faulkner started a band. I hope this signals big things for them. Mrs. Horse and I used to go to their shows every chance we got around Chicago in the 90s, and then, years after we moved we were surprised to see them in a small club a couple

Very nice Harvest with that pun.

I really wanted to like this show, and I keep giving it another chance. To me, it's like a sleeve of saltines. Saltines are fine. I like them. I'm not normally going to go through a whole sleeve of them. So, after the first 15 minutes of this show, I went and did something else, not feeling any particular resentment

These caption contests aren't what they used to be.

Contest? Caption contest?

Fine. I can wait.