Albino Horse Eye

This is the first I've heard Mike Judge has a new show, and holy shit it's on Sunday?

No doubt this fellow right here has pulled some stunts, but this particular attempt at unauthorized posthumous record production really takes the cake . . . THE DRAKE'S CAKE, that is!

I ate too much labial laban, and now I falafel.

Had a dream last night about my shining little son and my Olive Oyle wife
Chopped them up into tiny little pieces with a hatchet and a knife
Typing all alone is a safer cleaner way my fingers to employ
But it seems that all work and no play is making Jack a dull boy

My name is Talking Tina, and you'd better be nice to me.

Oh! Johnny Nicknames over here!

Maron is hilarious when you play the first 10 minutes of WTF at 2X speed. Now, he's going to get pissed at me and call me out on this when he interviews some recovering bass player from the nineties.

I guess when you have so many avocados that they need a dedicated refrigerator, you run out of recipes that don't involve cooking them in a dedicated oven.

I admire your detective work.

I tried hearing that in my head, but then Leon switched seamlessly to the theme from Three's Company. You win this round, Mr. Redbone.

The X stands for X-pired, cause we're old, yo.

I pinned you. I have an anal fissure. We're dating.

Oh! Check out Rosa Parks over here!

The adorable child . . .
*forcibly swaddles @avclub-42763705844bf5e2af4abd6c898f8dcb:disqus*

This was really beautiful, and, as mini-Josh observes, totally like night-time. To my thinking, it casts the singer as Herod, contemplating whether a Massacre of the Innocents might be in order.

Mamet's hat is a manifestation of the sin of Pride, an assumption that he is above the strictures of decorum and mandates of fashion, which, had the man sufficient humility to recognize his duty to suborn himself thereto, would preclude any such wanton hattery, not to mention the scarf.

You might say he's the Reit Man for the job. That is, assuming the role is Cajun Man.

I thought a Dutch Baby was the byproduct of an overly-enthusiastic Dutch Oven.

So, then, in the lines, "He weareth a runcible hat," (How Pleasant to Know Mr. Lear) and "Aunt Jobiska's runcible cat with crimson whiskers," (The Pobble who has no Toes) he is talking about a hat you can also use as a fork and a cat/fork hybrid? That makes as much sense as anything else. Thank you.

Hey, that's not North; that's up.