Albino Horse Eye

It would be very surprising indeed for a nun to join an alliance of horses and outsmart them all.

Hey, it's Francis from Pee Wee's Big Adventure saying "Hey it's Enrico Palazzo!"!

Does Wonder Woman have a horse? I'm pretty sure she has a horse.

No, you're right. You want to join my alliance?

I think he's here to make friends.

Poop Cop 2: Number Two.

I'm not saying his Grace is a poor bowman, but I hear it takes him five shots to kill a prostitute tied to his bed. Is this thing on?

He's an inspiration to us all.

Yes. With Kitt's delivery, I feel an urgency to warn Santa, "Run, Santa! It's a trap!" and then a subsequent inclination to put on a Santa suit and max out my credit cards, because, arroooo!

My 8-year-old daughter just said, "they're basically just teaching kids how to get salmonella."

You beat me to it, you with your non-horse avatar. I've given some thought about how that makes me feel, and, well,

Well, he's no Dane Cook.

What you do, see, is, melt a quarter pound of Velveeta cut into 1 inch cubes with a drained can of Rotel tomatoes and chilies in a bowl at 50% power for a couple minutes, put that on a platter, then get a rotisserie chicken from the store, and shred it into bite size shreds, putting dark meat

Mr. Tompkins will be much chagrined to learn that he is not the sort of person you wish to hang out with, but I am sure that he supports your right to make that assessment for yourself.

And yet Twilight is a better love story than Love Story. "Love means never having to say you're sorry." *shudder*

What? You mean plan an elegant dinner party at which you serve tastefully prepared internal organs of the AFI membership? That's crazy. Why would you suggest such a thing?

12 Years A Slave would have to come first in the movie list for it to be truly alphabetical. Similarly, Hannibal would have to come between The Good Wife and House of Cards on the TV list in order for it to be anything more than a random list of words. Also, Enlightened, but why even, just, feh.

You got a bad case of Santa-on-the-brain, son.