Albino Horse Eye

Jessie Jackson burned a huge amount of political capital in 1984 when he referred to New York City as "Hymietown." In his defense, it was the best available rhyme at the moment for rhyme-y clown.

What? I think she's cute.

Seriously, sometimes you want something on in the background while you play Scrabble.

Last night was the first time I have seen anything of Chris Lilley. He certainly commits to the bit, and captures the rhythms and tics of whatever soul-less monster it is he inhabits. So, I'm curious to see him take on a character whom he deems less loathsome. I might even give this show a second chance if it turns

I couldn't make it through the first episode. The actor's unadulterated contempt for the character he was playing just gave me a stomach ache. I didn't detect anything approaching a joke in it, either, just a relentless unblinking focus on a relentlessly awful person. In terms of nuance, the character falls somewhere

@Dikachu I guess when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

I've been trying to write helpful comments for myself on private methods in this code that I haven't touched in three years, because now I'm supposed to move it into a different context, and it just really wasn't designed to be portable, or, really, designed at all, having grown in crystalline fashion from a steady

This certainly maintained the mood of gaiety and merriment that the end of Boardwalk Empire set. Ha ha. Ha ha ha. *sniff*

Yeah, the first step in implementing a custom search feature is to disable the feedback button.

I'm a Postum Achiever. See joke context section for explanation.

I'm not totally optimistic about this show, but, you know, Mosley.

I have no idea where to post this but I ate too much baklava and now I falafel.

He looks a lot like Michael Palin.

Not enough garroting.

DUDE! what does mine say?
SWEET! what does mine say?

The counter tops in the Sopranos kitchen really distracted me. I, regrettably, had the same ones in my house, green Formica with a wood border, and they do not wear well. Water inevitably seeps into the fiberboard, and the laminate bubbles over the wood border. I choose to believe it was Matthew Wiener's attention to

Whaaat . . . Doooes . . . Aaaaaa . . . . . . Yellllooowww . . . Liiight . . . Mean?

No, that would be NOTLOB.

Yonkers in tha h-izz-ouse!

"Christy Brown clown around town. Now a man of renown from Dingle to Down I type with me toes. Suck stout through me nose. And where it's gonna end God only knows."