Albino Horse Eye

It was a simple process of elimination.

Battle Creek? Must be a Cereal Drama.

Just watched this after catching the end of The Middle. Back in the Game made me laugh much more. I understand there are some tired tropes at play here, but I laughed in spite of myself. It's particularly good at the shock or surprise gags, like when the mom coach beans douche guy in the head, or the fancy mom says,

Big brown POO!

Or a yodeling cannoli.

Quit logging the man hours, Bevis.

I ate too much baclava-Todd, and now I falafel.

I had to check IMDB to be sure this Robert Forster fella isn't the voice of Bender from Futurama, which he isn't, except, he kind of is.

I was thinking it was Peter Frampton's Show Me the Way, because I forgot the title. And the version of that that's stuck in my head now is the beginning of Ween's Push th' Little Daisies.

I don't think Apple exposes unlocking the phone functionality to the public API, because there are shake-to-unlock apps out there, but only for jailbroken phones. Before just googling it, I thought I had an original idea.

Coopers make barrels. Which is to say, they are unemployed. Thanks a lot, Complete Book of Baby Names.

Look-a me, I'm crazy shoe man! I got a shoe comin' outa my forehead. Don't you find that the slightest bit carrrazy? Then perhaps you should GIMME SOME CANDY!

A former manager-type on my team sent out a corporate-wide email during a hardware-related outage of an application that we host. It concluded with:

I think the like button is broken for the global disqus system, because it is broken on the gamelogical society as well.

With any other band but GWAR, Super Bowl XLIX . . .
 . . . should be called super bowl EX-LAX!

Well, yeah, I find it hard to click on a massive banner when I'm having an epileptic seizure. Too. Much. Flashing. It's a disorienting navigation device. It may be an artistic choice to be disorienting, but not a good design choice for navigation.

Who you jackin', jabroni?

The name of that yogurt always makes me think of John Cleese saying, "Fractured tibia, Sergeant."

Pia Fedora?

That web site design of theirs is atrocious. And both these jabronis describe themselves as designers. It's no surprise that such a failure of interface design should be reflected in their efforts at human interaction. In both disciplines, it comes down to common courtesy.