Albino Horse Eye

I'll wait for L'il Wayne in Great Expectorations: The Purple Drank Papers.

The traditional recipe is gelled camel blood with a coating of confectioners sugar and a magical enchantment of enslaving. These days, though, it's basically Applets and Cotlets.

It seems to me the difference is, with the OP accent, you open your mouth as narrowly as possible as if you were afraid of being overheard, like your people had been beaten down and starved for generations by a haughty imperialist force. I don't really get the Irish thing, though.

*faints dead away*

Bernie Worrell (P-Funkadellic, Talking Heads) contributes the proper amount of synthesizer, sufficient to create the impression of an insane robotic chicken having been set loose in the song.

Pantson. Pantsoff.
Pantson, pantsoff, the cranster.

That pun's pretty meta (-morphotic).

Aw. That's adhorrible.

That seems unlikely. A writer as gigantic as she should know you need a deeper pit than WPMD's Pit of Despair to contain a giant Aaron Paul. I could see her threatening him with the shrink ray she used on the rest of the cast and crew, though.

Awesome. And writer lady is checking him out like, "Now, there's a man my size."

It would be infuriating if it weren't so sad. And for me, nothing mellows my violent conflicting emotions like a refreshing stick of Wrigley's Doublemint chewing gum.

Blaking Bad

Ooh! Too fancy for the Birmingham Movie Parade, are we?

You just grew a handsome.

I'm pretty white, and my eyes are blue, but, sadly, I resemble this horse in no other ways. . . 
. . . of cock.

*bends a hand saw and releases it to snap back in @avclub-a6fdefb2b99177b152b2392b43097665:disqus 's face*

They need to be booked in the KFC YUM! Center stat.

I'm happy to be in the minority, because I do like Patti Smith, but Just Kids struck me as precious and self-important, and reminded me of the self-pitying adolescent voice in Go Ask Alice. I'll read the damn thing even if it does use the model of Just Kids, because I can't help myself, but I think there's reason to

I'm not going to stop watching SNL. I have been watching it since it started when I was quite young and perhaps insufficiently supervised. I hope it is funny, because I enjoy laughing, but, you know. You don't stop watching a bunch of turkey vultures picking apart a deer carcass just because none of them is swooping