Albino Horse Eye

Someone's eatin' Shoney's m'Lord. Kumbaya.
Someone's boppin' the baloney m'Lord. Kumbaya.
Someone's bein' a jabroni m'Lord. Kumbaya.
Oh, Lord. Kumbay-the-fuck-ya.

The International Grammarbation Society frowns upon such mockery. Consider yourself frowned upon, sir.

I wish I were able to hear, without twitching with the urge to correct, the past indicative "was" rather than the subjunctive "were", because it is, in fact, a perfectly acceptable and correct implementation of the conditional mood, albeit less formal than the subjunctive.

Should've said gone instead of went.

Two movie references in a single layer of gimmick reaction?

There are wheels within wheels, my friend.

It looks like a party-cut Chicago-style pizza, which is technically food, but hardly pizza.

I hrm'ed.

Badgers? We don't need no steenking badgers!

* Offer void where prohibited by law.

It's a website where you put pictures of cats and food in a kind of collage to trick people into clicking a link to your blog, where they'll be horror-bored into a pity-purchase of one of your hand-knit potholders on Etsy. And so much more.

Holy smokee! You're right!

*stockpiles Potion of Resist Frost*

Reposted Times of India Comments

You guano start a pun thread or something?

This is my one thousandth comment.

I know. And what is the deal with this title. Is it going to kill me or not? I mean, if I'm barely dead, do I get to choose whether I go into the light?
* Slap-bass riff *

Edited To Add, or Eat The Avocado, depending on context.

Seriously, I don't really doubt that link goes where you say it does, but nobody should ever click a link that looks like that.