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UPDATE: Here's the shorter free version, which I didn't realize was up too.

If social media can't help sell cars to anyone (or millennials), what can? Or is it just an emerging piece of tech that will have its place soon?

I just read something last week on how "millennials" are buying more cars than baby boomers now...this whole line of articles is getting old.

It pisses me off that we only get the 2-door version of the Fiesta ST here in Europe.. or more specifically, here in Denmark and, of course, the fact that they cost 50000 USD :(

"I'm not saying it's a great idea, just that it's possible."

N: Uber/Lyft are disrupting the taxi industry and changing the way people get around. It's generally a positive thing, but there are going to be black eyes. I'd like to see Lyft succeed because it treats drivers much better, but Uber has been outrunning the competition for some time - 4 out of 5 rides I give are

So wait - The car that is having problems while still covered under warranty is getting them fixed? AND the car is also getting other pro-active fixes done for parts that have been known to cause issues? AND the manufacturer is offering a loaner car? AND the owner of the car didn't have to deal with a dealer at any

The craziest thing to me in the aftermath of these killings is how accepting most people are of the militarization of the police. I fully expect that when video footage is found (dashcam or otherwise), Mike Brown will have done nothing that could warrant a reaction with fatal force, but people will still look and

Yeah, so rare! I can't believe how fortunate I was at my local Cars and Coffee to spot what must be every GT-R in the world.

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Did you say Local Motors' Rally Fighter? This was at the 2013 Parker 425 in Arizona.

Am I doing this right?

I mean, of course a magazine about "North Florida Culture and Lifestyle" would be called Void.

Lol at 15K.

Hey whatsintheduffelbag, Browns fan here. Thus, my life is a lie and yes, I'm drinking heavily.

hey clark2jd, fellow Redskins (oops! Its always has been and will forever be racist and will always offend so you can just fuck off) fan here. I very much was born, raised, and for some dumb reason in my late 20's still continue to live in the DC area, and here's the fucking thing: all the other options to cover the

Floor mats and binding accelerators? Give me a break anybody with two brain cells to rub together can figure out how to stop those. Oh and every company offers floor mats in the car. Then what does this mean? Straight from the NHTSA website.

So I looked into it, and I was right, the Ford transmission is meant to be paired with shorter axle ratios.

Fuck Virginia. Got an 86 in a 60 in a rainstorm in the middle of the night on I-95. At most, I was going just over 70. Utter and complete bullshit. Not enough traffic to confuse me with some other car. Some state trooper who looked about 15 pulled me over. Reckless driving is >25 mph. Fuck Virginia.

Although I do not at all share you rosy view of market forces (actually, I oppose the concept of basing our lives on market forces), but this is a fantastic analysis of what is going on and what some better models might look like. One thing I take contention with, though, is toward the end when you write "Team Market

If it was full of bees, it wasn't had bees in it