Albert Innacan

We’re in a tight spot!

Yeah, right man! Bishop should go!

Oh sweet merciful crap, I NEEDED this today. THANK YOU.

> Newt, you can still just walk away.


Now playing

If the Spanish commentator would like to properly “capture the excitement,” I suggest he tune in to some Panthers broadcasts.

Mike North is the meatheadiest meathead of all the meatheads. He is King Meathead, the meathead messiah to whom all other meatheads flock for their meathead takes. He is the platonic ideal of meatheads, the standard by which all future meatheads shall be measured. He’s truly the goddamn worst, and he’s like a meathead

Tell Drew to stop crying, my hands are 8.25". (I’m 6'2", 210#, size 12 shoe; someone shrinky-dinked my hands as a kid or something)

Plus eins

Where have I seen this guy before?

City Animals fans are the WORST.

Blonde Bro Without Sunglasses is the flesh golem sculpted from Tom Brady’s courtroom sketch.