
Johnny Depp has become a cliché. That's on him, not on me for noticing.

They are both grown-ass adults and I don't mean to judge them. But I do. He pulled the most disgusting, clichéd move ever, and the whole thing stinks of some Peyton Place-style bullshit. I don't think we should all have to watch his mid-life crisis unfold.

Midlife crisis much, Johnny?

Oh, damn. Nevermind. I guess I won't bother mentioning that he could legally drink in bars on her 1st birthday. Sorry. I'll show myself out.

Wishful thinking? Or maybe that's just me.

Still holding out hope that someone, somewhere has told him- "No thanks, Johnny Depp, I'm not interested".

Yup. "Sweet as can be and very good for me" is something you should say about agave nectar, not your betrothed.

"a Southern belle and sweet as can be and very good for me"

Is anyone else kind of sick of the unconditional love Jezebel has for Beyonce? She terrifies people at Bergdorf's because she routinely gets them fired? That is a downright bitch move. But noooo, Beyonce, the "Queen" or whatever. Bleh.

I think it could actually be productive to have a conversation about how easy it is for Miley, a Disney-made multimillionaire who was born into wealth, to steal aspects of an assumed identity from Debbie and her ilk, most of whom actually came from low-SES backgrounds and grew up in the Bay Area, which has

I can't with Oprah. Ever since post 9-11 she was on a grief-porn binge for around a year, when alongside sad music, she showed footage of a little boy at the moment he was told that his daddy's DNA was identifed among the ruins. This kids worst moment in his short life being exploited for afternoon entertainment just

When all of this is through, I really hope we see that Oprah is labeled an enabler. She's seeing Lindsay up for nothing but failure here. There is no positive ending for Lindsay with this show.

I do like Oprah, but I think you're a little right here. I liked that Oprah told her she could quit if she wanted no problem, but what Oprah is overlooking is the fact that HER production company is paying for that apartment. Lilo can't really quit...she wont have a place to live (unless she moves in with her mom

My parenting philosophy is that, as a general rule, parents have minimal control over how kids turn out. But my philosophy is predicated on a certain level of appropriate involvement in one's children's lives. Obviously if you leave your child in a dark closet all day with no human interaction, you can do serious and

I grew up in an anti-vax household, and have the scars to prove it (measles was the worst). For my first child, I was all into the natural diapers, no unnecessary shots, etc. He came down with chicken pox when he was about 2. The breakouts weren't too bad, but the virus ended up taking a different turn and he ended

best possible gif to answer this with.

There's so much I'm willing to bet on—but not lives. Particularly not my children's lives.

I will never never never EVER understand how a physician can be, essentially, a science denier. How do you go through all of that schooling and research and come up with "anecdotal" as a valid decision making tool (or become/remain super religious, but that's another conversation for another day).

What is this deal with people thinking that reality is just whatever they choose to believe? Where is this coming from? I see it all over the place now, not just with the vaccine debate but with any number of social, political, environmental, etc issues. Nutrition is one of the WORST for this. And people are

But it is how people work. Gambling is so profitable due to similar reasons (people really don't get statistics inherently).

even though she knows there's no actual proof that the MMR vaccine causes autism, allergies or other diseases, "anecdotally," she's seen otherwise.