She seems to look consistently old for her age, like at 7 she seems 9, at 10 she seems 12. I wonder if that's because the tight framing conceals the other cues we use for judging age, like height.
She seems to look consistently old for her age, like at 7 she seems 9, at 10 she seems 12. I wonder if that's because the tight framing conceals the other cues we use for judging age, like height.
Something about Paris Hilton always looks very 2002. She just does not evolve stylistically, and it's never more evident as at Coachella every year.
Now, I love Meryl Streep as much as anyone, but it's a crime to name your child "Mamie" especially with a last name like Gummer. That's the name of your 108 yo great-grandmother who has seen some shit.
Nothing is quite so paradoxically intimate and alien as the aging process. We are ourselves—we know that—but which…
Jared Leto should be shown alongside Paul McCartney, The 'Hoff, and Steven Tyler. The dude is 42 years old, zebra print pants notwithstanding.
You were in high school, I was nearly finished with my college degree... #Imanoldz
Man, 2004 was a dark year for music.
I am currently living here in London and this really freaks me out.
I was back home in the U.S. visiting my family when the Women Eating on Tubes Tumblr surfaced. The afternoon I returned to London, I bought a sandwich at Heathrow to eat on the long tube journey home, as I was really hungry. I sat down on the tube,…
For our usual MRA crowd that wants to bring up that killing him and his friends was wrong, I want to remind you that child brides often are forced into incredibly violent domestic situations, besides the rape. To the point that it's torture, and not just at the hands of the husband. Multiple perpetrators are involved.…
OMG Is it hipster-cool to un-ironically ironically be into boy bands now? LOLWUT LMFAO
I was going to say the same thing.
I thought that this site was for, like, grown women?
I saw this and thought the poor guy was sick.
I sincerely hope you were paid well to endorse this.
What? I kept reading thinking there was something interesting or feminist or something. I have nothing against boy bands or anything but... why was this posted here?
What is up with Jezebel's weird obsession with boy bands lately?
Well, I'm kind of rolling my eyes at her because she literally told me she "doesn't want to wait and build an audience slowly, she wants to start making lots of money right now!" with her blog. And I love the girl, but her writing is...not totally reflective if her college education, if you know what I mean. She…
I fuckin' love hate reading rich lady "lifestyle" blogs. LOVE IT.
I have a close friend who's recently decided she wants to make a living as a mommy blogger. I think it's an interesting extension of the huge issue of childcare that America refuses to address: we now have all these college-educated women often stuck between wanting to raise their kids (and not wanting to/can't…