
True, a well-written movie doesn't need flashy visuals to hold the audience captive. There is definitely something to be said about amazing visuals (CG or otherwise) allowing for emotional responses to a film, though.

Another headline that tells me what to think. Answer: yes.

Hey, Eternal Darkness was an awesome game!

Could not disagree more regarding GoogleTV. Also, Logitech has said it will upgrade the Revue to Honeycomb before the end of the year: []

What's that from again? Looks super familiar...

Not to be a grammar stickler here, but "defiantly" and "definitely" mean two completely different things. I agree with the rest of your post, however ;)

Judging by the typos in the other post, I'd guess it's because the editors were having a race to see who can post first.

Until Sony stops trying push proprietary memory formats like they have for the past 2 decades, I will continue not to buy Sony products that require them.

@Deckard Since I can't reply to your post ("This comment cannot be replied to because it's too short," what the hell?)...

And you'd be way off.

I was putting C4 on runways on the enemy carrier in BF1942 eight years ago.

Who's the idiot who thought using lime green text on a light gray background was a good idea?

This is dumb. And it's from the Daily Mail, which makes it dumb and with no scientific basis whatsoever.

Frankly, I think you're being a little bitch about this whole thing.


Pretty simple: I'm not going to pay for streaming movies from three different streaming services. I'll either pay for the one with all the content I want, or none. Right now, I'm leaning towards none. The movie industry is kneecapping itself by not giving all distributors all the content and letting the consumer

"Swaray?" Really? They're not even trying anymore...

Too bad spell check wouldn't have caught those abominations of grammar.

I prefer G+ to Facebook, but if copying G+ is what it takes for Facebook to get better, I'm not sure I have a problem with the direction they're headed in. It's a lot easier than trying to get everyone you're friends with to switch sites.