
Yeah... This Marcos guy is either reinventing the wheel or trolling the hell out of everyone. That's basically WebOS with Apple icons.

Oh wow... Now that you explained it I can see it. Before that, I was thinking it looked like a giant LCD monitor with it's front facing right and the bulky back facing left. Thanks!

I'm confused. The side shot makes it look way thicker than 7.7mm. Am I missing something? That looks more like 3cm, tapering to 7.7mm.

Givenchy and L'Occitane were hilarious. After that it was downhill.

Sweater weather? Maybe in Florida, where they wear parkas when it drops below 70.

Ahh, I should have read the end more carefully. I guess the two statements were far enough apart that I missed the connection.

Winner! I think this thread should get a reboot now.

"It's that they're all spending their time in the same apps (probably because most apps just suck)."

Like such as in the Iraq and Asian Countries?

Except it's pretty useless as a backup service since you can't re-download any of your music from it easily.

I use the PC version of this keyboard in my spare bedroom, which has the shade down blocking all outside light 24/7 (to keep air conditioning costs down, since it's on the southwest facing side of the building.)

Incorrect. Toyota had a poll to decide the plural of Prius, the results of which I linked here:

Especially if said loved one is also old and nude.

Google has stated that they plan to support business/group entities, but do not do so as of yet in the beta phase of Google+. I know a few businesses had tried to open accounts early on, but were removed and told that Google is working on features that will allow for this in the near future.

They left out the end of the video where the theft victim bludgeoned the thief with his own chopsticks.

This guy didn't "hack" anything. Phished for passwords, yes, but that doesn't make him a hacker. That term is thrown around way too loosely. He's still a douche though.

I have to admit, that was pretty funny...

He was probably referring to the URL title (and the title that showed up in my newsfeed) which says: "A Study And Your Mom Confirm That Whining Is the Noise Sound Ever"

Well-played troll.