Pro Tip: Invest in Baskets

LW1: Why can’t I enjoy a nice steak dinner when I keep filling up on fast food constantly? Also, why haven’t I gone to counselling?

Dear Dr. NerdLove:

Better yet: imagine doing bothtalking to your partner AND doing shit on your own to educate your own damn self because you’re a grown-ass adult.

I either can’t get it up because the girl is not attractive enough for my standards

The things that do get them off? Oral sex, manual stimulation and deep, full kissing… all the things that a lot of straight dudes have a tendency to rush through to get to the supposed “main event.”

You haven’t done anything to anyone...*directly*...but when you participate in a larger system that is in place to keep people subservient, then yeah, there’s a bit of blame for you to share.

Anyone with religion is generally offensive to absolutely everyone else that doesn’t share their religion. So... Fair’s fair.

Except all organized religion is in essence a set of lies and ongoing fraud played out over centuries to encourage people to behave and believe a certain way, a “good” way, in order to influence and control certain aspects of their lives and thought patterns.

No, it’s time we called a spade a spade. Pussyfooting around it has cost us centuries.

To the now anonymous piece of shit I just flagged and dismissed, science is not a cult. It is the exact opposite of a cult, you hateful idiot.

There is nothing Christian about the fire and brimstone of the American evangelical death cult. They need to terrify and indoctrinate children in order to keep their power and cash.

Fair. There’s no way of knowing how old the roiling collective of insects that occupies his skin is.

Stephen Miller is 34 Gregorian years this particular skin suit he currently occupies.

I still think its a piece of chicken. 

Been trying to sort out motivation here.

I truly cannot believe how stupid Jimbo and his cronies are. Truly bewildering how stupid you have to be in order to come in and tank a popular series of sites so you can reap the cash from them and then move on.

I like, like, 2 basketball teams and no other sports. I read Deadspin DAILY, all year. I don’t want them to stick to sports, and I’m mad, and sad, and I still miss Gawker, and this sucks. 

Jizz Jim is going to have to pry Drew’s annual Williams-Sonoma holiday catalog review from my cold, dead hands.

Been told to stick to women, huh?

Fuck Jim Spanfeller, who is a herb