Alasdair Allan

This episode was a bit of a let down, it just seemed badly written.

Having watched some of Angie Tribeca, it's pretty good and really funny. But it doesn't come across as a show to binge, there's a similarity to the beats and the comedy which makes it repetitive.

It doesn't air in the UK but gets a UK tax break on filming.

The A plot of this episode really was excellent but I think this review nails it in the way the conclusion of the B plot was beyond creepy and very uncomfortable to watch. This B plot totally undermined what could have been a really great episode of the show.

And it looks like a .35 is the likely average for this after the pooched pilot. The cost, however, is nothing close to the budget shows like Scream and Teen Wolf, this is costing them a lot of money and without the ratings they won't continue to pile good money after bad.

Looks like its DoA. 0.5 rating on par with the lead in fifth season of Teen Wolf (which will cost a fraction per episode to make). With a pilot which is not likely to appeal to general audiences I guess it's all about enjoying what we get in it's ten episodes before cancellation.

Manu Bennett is no longer Crixus, he is now Deathstroke the Terminator.

Never read the books but was really looking forward to this.

That was a fantastic return, the first season had some good moments but kind of sagged in the middle and criminally under-used Vinnie Jones. They seem to have addressed a lot of the weaknesses of season one and I don't think I stopped laughing at any point during either of the opening episodes.

When a review contains pretty ontuse criticism of Serial Mom while still failing to understand its relevance to this movie, then you know that the review will be out of kilter with how people will view the film in the real world - and the ratings show this - a ridiculous D from the reviewer while the audience is in B

This series has been laugh out loud funny all the way through but this episode managed to top the whole thing in terms of laughs. I almost Diami'd laughing.

This review is a Christmas joke, right?

Yes. Ash is an idiot. It is hardly disguised, it is kinda the point about Ash.

Deadites will only do something, when it is funny.

I've been wondering why the critic's reviews are so positive about this Remake and finally think I've worked it out.

No, because the first 40 minutes, following the exact same story from Episode 4 with R2D2 replaced by FN2187 and Luke replaced by Rey was pretty damn fantastic.

This is starting to get a little strange. It seems to be very hard to find any negative review of this film, despite clear indications from comments that audience reactions are. It doesn't make sense that such a flawed film is getting "universal acclaim".

Actually there was one moment when the audience reacted.

I got past halfway, basically to the start of the "deathstar destruction against the clock" plot. A few decent action set pieces after that but all tension, drama and emotion was gone because, well, we've seen it all before. Twice.

Greg Grunberg is Snap Wexley.