Alasdair Allan

I'm in the UK, people are silent when they watch movies (thankfully). But you can get a feel at the end. It was very, very muted, no smiles on people's faces, not a single cheer, no applause. The audience reaction was much worse than Phantom Menace.

I don't agree it would be generic without the Star Wars things. The characters are just too damn good. Even without the (dramatically beneficial) backstory, Ren would be an excellent villain and is more menacing because he is a slender, slight guy. Finn has lots of depth and it's an unusual perspective, not a rogue

The thing I don't get is how this debacle has such impressive reviews. It smacks of Disney money buying press to ensure good coverage and influence audience reaction.

If you've never seen a Star Wars movie you will love this.

Potential vague spoilers.

Fox should put all the cold opens up on Youtube as publicity for the show. I've seen every episode and don't remember any of these except Boyle bingo.

Best. Cold. Open. Ever.

I really hope the producers get to see some of this feedback and if there is any more Amanda/Ash romantic scenes before the end of the season, they get cut immediately.

Yes but Me is amazing. The line was repeated often enough to be sure.

I really want to see "Clara and Me" the movie.

The scene with Neo and The Architect actually made sense this time.

There's been viagra zombies and stripper zombies (careful how hard your leaning off the pole). As well as all sorts of zombies you can imagine, they are quite inventive in that aspect.

Because Z Nation science.

A little harsh on season one with the recap here. Season one demonstrated the potential we got in season two on a number of occasions and included some great risk taking, it worked well inside it's budget (probably better than season two has) and was fun most of the way through.

The first season isn't dreadful and this article undersells it greatly. It did have a few misfires but it also had a huge amount of positives. Episode 9 is genuinely innovative and even avante garde television and Episode 8 has an element which is pretty marmite. You might not buy it, I did, I'd say how you feel

What might be idiot plotting in other shows is not idiot plotting in the Evil Dead. The whole point of Deadites is that they deliberately will not choose the easy kill when there is a good chance of a convoluted kill or, even better, they can get their victim to kill themselves.

Anything anyone writes about any artistic work is an opinion.

It doesn't get any better. If anything the huge quantity of filler gets exponentially higher as they try to drag a very thin story out to 13 episodes.

I've made no claim to an opinion being anything other than subjective.

Whether there exists a suitable explanation and consistency in the comics is irrelevant. This is a TV show with 13 hours to include a few lines of dialogue to explain the glaring inconsistencies. If they cared. Which, overall, it does not look like anyone involved in the Jessica Jones project did. Which is why we