Alasdair Allan

I have no idea if it is the source material or the way the show was written (I've never read a comic book but love comic book TV and Movies) but the representation of Jessica's powers was really poor due to the inconsistency.

Any Tennant performance will be decent. But it was a long way from his best work.

I was really excited for this given how good Daredevil was. But overall, it really felt flat and was definitely much too long for the amount of material covered.

Lance is utterly screwed, he fell for that Post-It note trap that Dhark so clearly set up to test him and no Dhark knows he's a double agent.

This was a fantastic episode. Funny, scary and moved the story on nicely.

One of the problems the show has is that it is a bubble show, it is by no means doing well enough in ratings to get another series, it is highly serialised so syndication isn't likely to offer revenue and the switch to Scotland would require new sets, new locations and a lot of new cast. This is expensive.

If you go on Wikipedia, there is a sample of Mary's signature. Adelaide Kane certainly did her research because she signed the treaty with a very good facsimile.

You get him to write a suicide note - it doesn't have to say "that's why I killed my family" but just a standard "I'm sorry, I can't take it any more" and the police will add 2 and 2 and think "murder suicide". Lace some DNA under fingernails of the family and stuff, bada bing.

Already done a shopaholic this year in The Real Dead Housewives of Seattle.

I have to admit being concerned at how they could possibly redeem Major from being a cold blooded killer. I do like how it turned out, not sure how his victims will feel once they thaw out though…

Of course that's true. But this is a very well written show and I don't see much evidence that it's success is based on luck. When something works so well emotionally and in terms of storytelling, then I think it is fair to acknowledge that it is most likely an intentional choice by the writers.

This was a phenomenal episode (in a string of them) and deserves at least an A-, a B rating here is pretty harsh.

My apologies, I seem to have mixed up what i was reading in the comments with what was in the actual review. Embarrassing!

It actually made me think, with ISIS which is clearly paralleled here, how many times have a proto-ISIS nearly formed. How often has some pseudo-Al Baghdadi tried to get a death cult going and ended up with someone in their own community just putting a bullet in their nut job head.

Yes, good point on the timey wimey possibilities.

Shouldn't the "They Live" references be mentioned in the Stray Observations?

There are actually two possible reads on the line "the other 15 times".

I did wonder about the pilot and co=pilot but, hell, it's Doctor Who so there's no reason to believe it couldn't fly with an automated flight system.

There needs to be a better way to credit the guest actor each week. Part of the fun of any procedural should always be the chance to try and work out the case as a viewer but the second the credits go "and David Zayas", well that's mystery over. Of course even if you don't see the credit, the second he shows up as a

Arrow has been a 1.0 show since season one with the sole exception of season two - when it was lower.