Alasdair Allan

Late to the party.

That's not really valid with secondary characters. The entire point of secondary characters is to enhance the emotional response of primary characters.

Don't think I've ever agreed with every single aspect of a review so much.

WGN will have press releases all over the place when their Syndication deal on Sherlock enters its final year. They didn't have on in their Safe Harbor statement this year so you can assume that there are more years to run.

I'm putting my money on Momma Folsom.

Or had plastic surgery so they can recast a lot cheaper than getting Natalie Dormer back.

Not to mention the fact that this is a total cheat — hasn't been set up at all, except that Sherlock's sleeping more than normal.

I find it baffling that anyone can be a fan of Doctor Who and not love both Amy Pond and River Song. Amy was a great companion who grew brilliantly throughout her run.

I think some of the criticism this show gets is pretty unjustified but damn, this was an utter trainwreck. The entire episode feels like it is written by people with absolutely no emotional connection to the characters they are trying to write.

Something doesn't make sense with this rating.

And you didn't even mention Haley's mid 40s blood relative Uncle wanting intimate details of her sex life.

I think the chess scene at the end of last week kinda ended any possible speculation as to whether Lena is a goodie or baddie, tbh.

Well that's really becaujse SD1 was such an unmitigated disaster that this is, in effect, that S6 of a long running show, throwing everything at the screen hoping to find something that sticks.

Everyone should be hating on Barry. He's actually getting things way easier than he deserves. Everything is Barry's fault, he's ruined people's entire lives.

I don't think its a fair criticism of the show that the Supergirl episode seemed just tacked on. Supergirl was a very late addition to the line up and its seems reasonably they didn't have enough time to fully flesh out the involvement of her and the other shows with one another. It is probably very fair to

VEEP is a comedy and all comedies should be judged primarily on how well they get the audience to laugh. This episode was an utter triumph filled with superb comedy and yet its got a B- because of… dumb narrative complaints.

It's been interesting coming to this series late and reading the reviews it got from the same reviewer through the first four seasons. Because the reviews for Season Four stopped making any sense.

There's less laugh out loud moments but that's to be expected without Iannucci running the show any more.

That was a really disappointing return for the show.

The biggest problem is aging the timber.