Alasdair Allan

You never mentioned "healthy and productive". You talk about here "wanting to feel safe". This is a possible outcome but not related at all with "healthy and productive" characterisation.

And in Season One I would have completely agreed with you, it was about characterisation for me and the series nailed it in quite a few of those, the female characters especially.

The usual test of quality for a mystery is whether the Reveal or Resolution is believable and consistent (and it helps somewhat if it was really hard to pick out but blindingly obvious when it actually happens).

And yet not a single part of Nora's arc and motivations in Season One reflected a "need to feel safe". Just the opposite, she took risks in order to feel alive.

If you think you have an idea what the show is about, please, entertain us with your explanation. It should be fun to read.

In the simplest terms, you are trying to describe the Emperor's New Clothes. There is nothing there, there is no meaning to anything presented beyond the characterisations because the writer has no intention to provide any meaning and no plan for have any such interpretation to make sense.

The level of delusion in this post is absolutely wonderful. There is no depth in the show, there is little double meaning in the dialogue outside of your mind.

Wow, now that was a truly amazing piece of television.

How much is Echo Kellum channelling Richard Ayoade.

Laurel did not see Thea burn Anarky, so she is still not seeing how bad Thea has become (because to her, Thea's transition has been gradual and almost unnoticeable, whereas Oliver is back after 6 months and sees it clearly).

I have a genuine problem with Jay's helmet. How does it stay on? There's no strap, it's just resting there, there can't be any actual attachment or it wouldn't have been sucked up into the wormhole before Jay was.

The vast majority of time travel is used as nothing more than a device to relabel a dull procedural set in the present day as "sci fi" to try and appeal to the sci fi market without the need to budget any effects.

Barbara fell apart after she and Gordon split up, when she came back towards the end of Season One she was already unhinged. The Ogre just focused that till she was completely batshit.

They've totally set up the step-incest.

Well it's not going to be a procedural, it's not been set up that way (this isn't giong to be the bastard version of Cadfael). So as a serialised drama, it needs something to maintain interest beyond "oh wasn't the High Medieval Period terrible and weren't people's lives shitty".

Rating seems a bit harsh but may turn out to be justified if the obvious hints to Wilkin being Edward Is bastard turn out to be true and it doesn't have any deeper mystery,

For all the huge plot holes and inconsistencies in The Strain, the lack of support for New York is now one of them.

Overall I quite like The Strain, it's not a bad effort, it tells a story that you don't usually see - the actual breakdown of society - and some of the characters are quite intriguing.

Average is 30. Genre fans is much, much higher.

I didn't once say that things shouldnt be criticised.