Alasdair Allan

It's shot in LA. Deal.

It's 2015, any serviceable hour of a serialised show is impossible to judge harshly without the background of the entire season. If you want to live in 2005 go buy some CSI box sets and stick to procedural bottle shows.

Threads like this are really the best example of why fans of genre television can't have nice things.

Such a remarkable show. The way the foreshadowing works across the season is phenomenal. As soon as Tyrell took off his jacket I knew the threat of violence was coming. And at the end, closing out on a shot of the popcorn machine. There's a gun in there…

The gut punch of the cold open where it turns out that Elliot was the only reason Shayla ever got involved with Vera is utterly chilling, devastating and compelling. Scenes like that are the reason this is the best show on TV right now.

Who is usually 45 to 48 minutes in common with most BBC hourlongs. Only their documentaries tend to be full hours (and their historical dramas which presumably they reckon are most likely bound for PBS). They understand the need for commercials on international sales and tailor their content appropriately - hence

Shame the ratings never got higher, would have been nice to split it into two shows - Reign, with Mary returning to Scotland and a new spin off Regent where Catherine is ruling France (as she did).

No mention of the best part of the entire season so far?

Or he could be a non-English speaker translating the title back into English.

Now you actually critique the show, this is much better than your previous fanbois rant.

I think the key problem with the show as its being presented is that it doesn't really know if it is an adult story focusing on the adult characters or a Family/Young Adult story focusing on the teens. I don't think its a fatal flaw but it's the main criticism I'd level at it and does lead to some inconsistency in

Then those who are critical of it should start saying why it's not a good show. The writing is reasonable, the characters seem to work from the written motivation and so far not one has made any out of character actions to progress plots. Both the MOTW and Serialised episodes work pretty well - and well enough to

The reviews of this show on here just get worse.

You should watch The Scribbler, Cassidy might surprise you.

I really don't understand why US TV insists on failing its audience at Christmas. Yes there are some cultural differences, no-one in the UK would even think of leaving the house to go to the cinema on Christmas Day. But we really can't be talking about most 18-49 adults, Surely there is some sort of audience for

Yeah it's pretty clearly implied that the Red sex offender block means he'll be killed by the public in White Bear/Brasseye style mass hysteria.

10 shocklashes as punishment for treason was this shows Jump The Shark moment.

Which was exactly what Kane said in the episode (a character which changed completely for no reason after 6 episodes of season one). But he was countered by the head of security. And said head of security stated that the lashings were in the Exodus charter.

So as a fan of the show, apparently, you're perfectly happy that the law of the arc has been completely re-written by the nonsense in this episode?

Last week after a terrible first season season and wasted premier after the reset button at the end of season one, it looked like The 100 was actually travelling in the direction of being a decent sci fi series.