Alasdair Allan

C+ really? C+? This was a phenomenal episode of television. Bringing in the Hugeunots and the dynamic between Leith and Castleroy and the lie that Francis told, Jesus the LIE that Francis told, that was incerdibly good. This was a totally brilliant hour of TV.

He was doing a Manc accent but occaisionally slipping into Welsh.

The political dimensions of this show were always the most interesting and entertaining for me and the move towards more of this is fantastic. But I do miss the humour mad king Henry brought to proceedings. Henry and Catherine dealing with the girl who Henry humped out the window was the best thing ever.

This was a great return for Reign and kept the bat shit crazy quotient going nicely while still offering a pretty decent look at power politics in action. Loved it but damn, those ratings really are looking bad.;

This reviewer really doesn't belong on this gig.