

AOC is a goddamned national treasure. Unabashedly progressive, kicked moderate ass in her elections, calls Republicans on their bullshit, skillfully claps back when they try to attack her, and she somehow successfully managed to merge political awareness with Twitch in a way that didn’t feel forced or scripted? In my

I haven’t dug into the multiplayer at all so I can’t say this with complete confidence, but it’s possible that that perk exists to cause collateral damage to opponents when your fighter blows up close to their fighter. Kinda like standing too close to that Junkrat you just killed in Overwatch.


Was reminded of The Crucible that was an essential b0ok read in high school decades ago, at least the game wasn’t based on that novel.

It’s the same mentality that refuses to better regulate guns, and instead tells schoolchildren they just need to learn to live in fear of school shootings.

But ah needz it for mah Home Protection (tm).

Super Spreader is the worst superhero of 2020. I’d ask the LA comic-con organizers if they want him to headline this year.

Huh. The game sure feels like a comic book game while I am playing it. 

Starred for the effort. Maybe workshop it though.

That crap about her having a boyfriend is the kind of thing I hear from the Japanese Idol industry.

Kotaku has lost a lot of the writers who would do more “real journalism.” I don’t mean that to demean blogging or the writers here now, just that Jason, Heather, Cecelia, Gita, and others would often post stories with sources that did deep dives into a topic. Journalism, not blogging.

Some people need to spend less time on the internet.

Exactly. Epic intentionally violated the terms of service that they agreed to, knowing full well that it would result in Fortnite getting removed. They even had a propaganda video and lawsuit ready to go in advance. This was a calculated PR stunt designed to pressure Apple into allowing Epic to bypass the payments

It’s almost like there’s a reason for high-quality regulatory bodies and anti-monopoly mechanisms to exist, so that when two overly massive and powerful companies go to war over what is chump change to them the average dev and consumer don’t get fucked over in the process.

Except there is no other store in town and there doesn’t have to be because Apple built and owns the town. If you want your game on their platform, and you want to profit from their install base, you play by their rules. We’re not talking about an open source OS on third party hardware. Everything here belongs to

Ah yes, the most dastardly of smear campaigns: quoting the offender verbatim, and in context!

I kinda hated UA3 about halfway through and gave up on it. The game requires an excessive amount of the grinding for all characters. All new characters you come across start at level 1 while characters you had at the beginning all stay leveled up. Plus you have to play multiple game modes just to be able to level

The new game is actually just a remastered version of that same stage over and over, but 4k and 120fps... and cell shaded!