
The precursor train robbery in Breaking Bad. Still get amped up watching it.

You're not. Don't worry.

Hooooowweeeeee. I betchoo even got a Cement Pond, Jethro!
Hugs and Kisses, hick.

It didn't look like anything to me.


Feels like a Wu Tang and ICP mash-up band.

Yup, I think that's a totally reasonable view as well — I think that's what they've been setting up as the path throughout the season. I think now that they're revealing that at least some (IMO) of the "awakenings" are scripted / planned, I think that Dolores will be the "confirmation" (her awakening = also scripted),

Yeah, I can see that. I think it's explicit — it's the kind of ego trip that Ford would do — or that Nathan in Ex Machine would do — I'm going to go so meta that I'm going to program my machine to think that it's not real, but even that is just more of my coding kung fu / jiggery pokery.

Hmm… i thought they had made it clear that the "awakening" of Bernard was all part of his loop. Bernard realized that he and Ford "had the discussion"(about him being a machine + him being Arnold) several times, and that each time he was wiped + re-inserted. That's what I meant by scripted.

Yeah, I can definitely see that, but in some ways I think it was intentional — show three different "awakenings", presented as if they're equivalents, but slowly show the differences. They've already revealed that Bernard's was scripted. My guess is that they'll now try to set up ALL of the awakenings as being

Oh! Actually!
All of the Dolores plot is scripted. Her "awakening" is totally, 100% fake. Wankery from Ford. As is Bernard's. They therefore set up two examples of scripted awakenings, to intentionally play off the third example of an awakening: Maeve's.

Random theory, but one that's trying to reconcile larger plot stories with Chekhov's player piano.

I bet you're a lot of fun at comedy clubs.

Lyin' Teddy's father was part of the CIA conspiracy to kill Arnold.

(Kind of)

Works for Saturday Night Live

Yeah, figured it out after reading more of your responses. Sorry! Poe's law and so forth :)

Not sure if sarcasm or idiot.

You don't get the show. You're too stupid to get it. Literally everything you've ever said points to that. You think it's the show, but it's actually you. Hugs and kisses, Jethro.