
I rest my case. And again with liking your own comments. Classy!

Lol. Idiot.

Lol. You're dumber than a box of nails.

Oh so edgy.

Yeah, it's so weird that a show called "Westworld" is based in the west. Can't imagine what they were thinking.

You know, it might just be that you don't get it. Judging by your spelling, grammar, and propensity for insults, I'm more apt to bet on that.

Says the child who writes naughty words with dollar signs.

Lol. Tries to be clever, misspells "connoisseur"

And you like your own comment? You're a douchebag.

Aren't you a classy one.
Actually, no, you're not. You're a fucking rube who thinks he understands art, but immediately jumps to a worse insult than an 8-year-old on a playground.

Legions of us, thousands sturdy, once ruled this fine land. Our bloodline was as pure as the driven snow.

Either champion trolling or champion douchebaggery. Either way, we've a new champion!

Internet tough guy alert!

Whatever you say. Enjoy interacting with your sociopathic friends!

If you say so. "Sheltered" in your world means that I don't have borderline-abusive / definitely asshole friends. I'm okay with being "sheltered" in that case.

"It's something men do when they're genuinely fond of one another." You have some fucked-up "friendships"

Uh, new to the internet, are you?

I couldn't help but think of Willie Mays Hayes (Wesley Snipes) in Major League. The little dance, the little shuffle step as the normal gait is resumed. Uncanny.

It's correct if you're using a fixed-width font like on a typewriter. All modern word processors (even in the show's era) use proportional-width fonts, where two spaces are horrible and bad and evil.

bravo. *slow clap*