
…and when fairly unknown Argentinian footballer Argélico Fucks moved from Brazilian club Palmeiras to Benfica, ran the headline "Argélico Fucks off to Benfica".

Don't get your hopes up. I've worked at a nursing home as well, and the only carnal pleasures available to the residents there were occasional groping on the female nurses.

As it, sight unseen, should!

I don't accept this. Sight unseen, this is an A, just like The Trip and The Trip to Italy were. Ignore everything else and carry on.

Wasn't trip-hop still a relevant force in '97? It's probably the genre that comes into my head right after nu-metal when I think of 1997 music, but it's not even mentioned in the article.

"There were, of course, those for whom not seeing it became a badge of honor."

Wouldn't be the first time, I guess.

I don't think it does, generally. Weight and reach are massive advantages, as shown in the ubiquitousness of weight classes in martial arts. Anyway, I wouldn't have a beef with the scene if Arya was just ninja-ing around and getting in close on Brienne's throat or something, but she's shown parrying slashes that

Maybe he thought they could hit whoever was riding it? Even if he wouldn't necessarily know that it was Danaerys, killing the rider of a dragon might make it confused or something?

The Dothraki are assholes. "Your men can't fight." Yeah? How well do you think your guys would do if a fucking dragon attacked your fucking SUPPLY LINE? Yeesh.

I think Snyder's version walks and talks like the Ridddler should, as well as giving him some much needs credibility to match his brand recognition. I do however agree that it also brought some bad stuff with it that's hard to shake, mainly that it made Paul Dini's semi-reformed private detective Riddler impossible.

I think it's just really hard to make a Hulk movie, at least within the breezy action-adventure formula that Disney/Marvel adheres to. Ang Lee had the right idea when he doubled down on the philosophical aspects of the character, although the execution was more interesting than great.

Wait, was Baelish convincing Joffrey to execute Ned shown on screen? I remember it as being Joffrey's own sadistic little venture, but I haven't seen those episodes in forever.

I think that's a bit unfair. It's entirely possible that he left out the caveat of women being at a drastic macro level disadvantage since it's such an obvious point, at least in the context of Savage Love.

Certainly (although it's highly doubtful if EVERYONE in house Frey were evil bastards) , but she's also 13 (?). As I said, it's possible that the show will just write it off as her being an avenging badass, but there's also a possibility of some kind of moral and/or psychological inquest. We shall see.

The discussion of the upcoming (?) Stark reunion with Arya, Sansa and Jon made me think; Will the show somehow "deal" with Arya having assassinated 100 people or so, or leave it at her being a competent badass and not delve into punishment, redemption or some kind of lingering effect?

…but she died! While knowing that she'd been outsmarted and overpowered, that her gambit for power had failed, and that her house was in ruins because of it! I like Diana Rigg as much as the next guy, but let's not pretend Olenna Tyrell emerged victorious from this whole thing.

He had to ascertain his clairvoyance so that Sansa et al. didn't just think that he'd gone insane on the road. Probably could have picked another moment to prove knowledge of, though…

I've always thought of tacopaj as a dish for children's birthday parties, but kebabpizza is food for the gods. Just make sure you're really, really hungry before ordering one.

The film goes into that part quite a bit, "cluelessness" being the short answer.