
The recent James Bond comic from Dynamite have been very good, at least up until Warren Ellis and Jason Masters left it.

"Trendy" is probably the key word here, the Bond producers have shoehorned various fads into their movies since Connery.

Those poker sequences are hilariously exposition-heavy though. I guess the filmmakers couldn't trust the audience to know the rules of Texas Hold'Em, but having Mathis giving the play-by-play via whispering to Vesper for what feels like hours really holds those scenes back.

I've replaced mine twice, getting harder and harder to find used ones in decent nick.

Unbelievably badass moment: Bond's malicious smile when that mute terrorist assassin is blown up by his own bomb.

Well, apparently Dorne consists of little more than a garden with a pond, so there's not that many people you need to convince in order to set your dubious plans in action.

I'm still not ready to let the show off the hook regarding the Many-Faced God thing. If you can train to be just as good as any magical assassin without giving up your identity in the end, why the hell would that last step be necessary?

I'd like that (you can count me among this world's very few Littlefinger apologists), but I feel it's going to be more straight-forward and quick. Then again, even if GoT feels like a more predictable show after it ran out of source material, I still hope it has the ability to throw some curve balls.

Yeah, I really like how much of an X-factor he is. I'm sure there's a line where his solutions cross into bullshit territory, but so far they've all been fairly grounded in the established world of the show. Also notable; he's never presented or played as stereotypically creepy or off (outside of his actions, of

Didn't Yara's ship have a bunch of lanterns though? And there's nothing to indicate that Euron used all his 1000 ships, it's more likely that he committed some kind of sneak attack with his fleet's version of Delta Force. Then add him apparently being the best Captain alive and his probable knowledge of Ironborn

I mentioned it upthread as well, but I do think Littlefinger is done for. He's set up for easy success with Sansa being in charge of Winterfell and a lot of his opposition away parlaying with Daenerys, which is the perfect opportunity for the show to subvert expectations by making him fail spectacularly. I can see

I don't know about those secret weapons, seems like hitting anything at all with them would be a real bitch, let alone flying and deftly maneuvering dragons. The Lannister army would get off two or three shots tops before being fried from above. That being said, Qyburn really seems like a guy you'd want on your side

It might have been some kind of sneaky, super effective strike force rather than the whole fleet, and Euron is supposedly the best captain alive who also might know Ironborn sailing policy well enough to know exactly what ship to go after. None of that explains how they weren't seen, but it would be far from the first

It feels like Littlefinger is finally on the road to complete failure. His grip on The Veil is weak, he couldn't get to Jon Snow, and now he's barreling towards an obvious open goal with Sansa, which on this show means that he'll fail unexpectedly and spectacularly. I give him two more episodes amongst the living,

They can just as well do a sneaky kidnapping-mission. Suspenseful, cheap to film, and has been done many times before on the show.

The show has been pretty lenient on various characters' ability to sneak through heavy fortifications to do some sabotaging (Yara Greyjoy, Ramsay Bolton, Tyrion Lannister, Jorah and Barristan x2 etc.), Euron getting away with something like that wouldn't be much of a stretch

"1000 ships" might just have been hyperbolic bullshit by Euron, and actually meaning "a whole lot of ships, like, several hundred, at least!" He seems like a smooth-talker, and it was in his best interest to make his forces look as appealing as possible.

I think they scrapped the plans to make it a two parter. At this point, the JL-Movie is probably just a huge albatross that WB wants off it's neck in order to start profiting on the goodwill that Wonder Woman afforded them.

I'd love to live in London. I spent 6 months there a few years back, in Islington close to Pentonville prison, and loved the general vibe. I guess I'd miss decent cafés and easy access to nature, but those could both be solved via vacations.

Perhaps he was after more specific advice about how to deal with the admittedly highly unusual situation, and thought that was implied by his reductively stated question?