More good jobs, more rule of law, more real equality, less political correctness...
More good jobs, more rule of law, more real equality, less political correctness...
people need to travel more.
Wow- it is astounding that Univision allows your moniker. are you really ok with being a hater?
Obama gave billions in actual cash—actual physical pallets of cash like in cocaine deals-to Iran and the Dem-media saw no problem.
Oh please. Stop whining.
Obama plays chess if you consider being check mated in 5 moves to be playing. Just Giving everything to China is not actually ‘good play’.
Actually, most comedians are pretty depressed people who ‘turn on’ for the camera. Read the bios of comedians and they are really difficult, unhappy people.
I just got a Pebble Time last week. It is PERFECT-easy to use, apps that work, great battery. Waterproof. Normal size so can wear without it looking like I’m scuba diving. Now, the company is dead. ARRGH.
Because most on Gawker sites are liberal/progressives with zero understanding of the real world.
Fitbit is buying SOME ASSETTS-not Pebble as an intact company. This is like going to a bankruptcy auction and buying a chair—that does not make you liable for the company’s debts.
Trumpian logic would be for creating good jobs and products. What we have is a scam—so Clintonian logic.
Let’s hope the UNivision owners of Gawker are going to allow thoughtful, intelligent articles like this one to be published on Gawker. This article used no profanity, was unbiased and had no click-bait title. When I started reading io9 and Gawker, articles like this were common [ok, never on Jezebel] and let’s hope…
Bravo Sargeant!
If you really believe that, you have the typical reading skill of the millennial. Clinton picked Sanders to be her “opponent” . Sanders is not even a Democrat party member but just caucuses with Democrats . Clinton just needed a straw man to run against as she had manipulated the Democrats to ensure she was the…
Republicans demand you be an actual US citizen to vote. Be a citizen, register and vote. Democrats lost because they ignored and insulted all the Midwest people who voted Democrat for generations..including electing Obama for 2 terms. The Democrats continue to just insult people who were the core of their party. Good…
There was no “hillbilly”. The keeping of exotic pets is an urban hobby. No farmer keeps exotics except to sell to urbanites. But, the issue is that keeping exotic, dangerous animals and spiders is an affectation around the world for thousands of years. Florida just happens to have a perfect environment for most…
This all happened under OBAMA. The ridiculous low fine and no actual corporation officers being held accountable is happening under OBAMA.
US political correctness totally misses the theme of the original Gojira in 1954 Japan. In 1954, Japan was coming through the great post-war reconstruction ‘miracle’but was also coming to grips with the horrible things it had done during Japan’s war of empirialism across Asia. Gojira is the living atomic bomb but the…
US political correctness totally misses the theme of the original Gojira in 1954 Japan. In 1954, Japan was coming through the great post-war reconstruction ‘miracle’but was also coming to grips with the horrible things it had done during Japan’s war of empirialism across Asia. Gojira is the living atomic bomb but the…
Who is the “they” in this story? WHO collects this info?