If you filtered out the fake news, there would be nothing on there from the alt-Left or Democrats . We don’t need censorship, we need people who ask questions.
If you filtered out the fake news, there would be nothing on there from the alt-Left or Democrats . We don’t need censorship, we need people who ask questions.
It is simply unsafe for an NFL player to be under the influence of marijuana and go on the field. Marijuana slows reaction times and changes spacial relations. Those side-effects can get a player injured or lead the player to injure someone else.
God forbid they actually read about the ‘tulip bubble’ in a book or were educated about it in a course on economics.
If you think my comment incoherent then you are illustrative of my point. The ‘tulip’ reference is in regards to the first major pyramid scheme that involved the actual flower ‘tulip’ and the first major ‘bubble’ economic collapse.
It is not millennials fault. They are the victims[US millennials love to be victims] of their education system that spent more time on political correctness than actual knowledge.
Could you ask ATT why satellite DirectTV costs about twice what streaming DirectTV costs?
Sadly, since being purchased by Univision, Gawker has become even more left-wing biased and sadly, encourages people to use more curse words . Even io9 has devolved into propaganda and cursing as routine articles.
Turton- I sent this story idea to Gawker—may I please be taken out of the grey?
Millennials- indoctrinated, not educated.
To get an ‘edge’ as a NEWS organization...try hiring actual reporters instead of ‘advocates’.
Actual reporting...no, CNN doesn’t do that anymore. CNN doesn’t investigate the Clinton Foundation, talk to actual humans outside NYC/LA. CNN has talking heads that pontificate.
Great comment—but how many millennials have any idea what you refer to? Millenials-indoctrinated...not educated.
Using profanity is neither persuasive nor does it show logic. The use of profanity is emotional. One is trying to suspend thought and create a visceral, not cognitive response. There is also an implication that the argument is settled and the profanity is a way to suggest that any argument is superfluous.
The Washington Post article has already been shown to be false. None of the ‘associated sources’ have ever heard of this anonymous group.
Hillary Clinton used dirty tricks against Sanders. She commited multiple activities at the criminal level. The Clintons abused women. Those are facts.
This is ALT-LEFT talk- full of irrational hate and bigotry.
Here on the ALT_LEFT, we see nothing but hate and crazy conspiracy theories.
Blood is a complex substance made of many components. The cellular part of blood involves oxygen transport and cellular immune response. There are also antibodies and other immune system components to blood. The serum carries many proteins of various types especially clotting proteins as well as salts and minerals.
The biggest danger in an area like Chernobyl is the risk of breathing in or swallowing a tiny radioactive particle. The latent ionizing radiation in general is avoidable. People should wear respirators with filtration and avoid eating or drinking if there is wind blowing dust around.
Yes- and the thoughts they get confirmed are that Democrats are great . Are you really so easily led that you believe all the ridiculous statements about Trump?