
Well, with All respect, I saw that Monopoly is going to replace the paper money in the game with a card device that does all the counting for the players because people today cannot make change in their heads.I may be somewhat discouraged.

Are you a New Yorker and still angry over Hakeem taking Ewings’ title?

Are you really telling the incredibly uninformed millenials to not keep up with the actual world events? Tell everyone to take 30 minutes and read the news online every day -The London Telegraph, France 24, the Guardian, Fox News, the Japan Times,, Al jazeera, The Rio Times—you can get

Manning is known for hard work, studying, playing through pain, being the one who outworks everyone else. Winning and losing with grace and class.

Hubris goes before the fall.

Blatt never knew nor understood the NBA. He felt he was unappreciated as a star international coach. Last year in the playoffs the refs had to save Blatt from a series ending technical because Blatt didn’t know NBA rules. The reality was Blatt needed to accept he was barely past rookie level in the NBA and that was

And there you have what Tesla is all about- products of limited practicality for the wealthy class too “cool” to drive a Prius.

First , to say a business deal is not fair in the world of business implies one side was inherently inferior to the other in a deal and that both sides were not fully capable as negotiators. That is you have to show one side was in some way inherently incompetent in the real meaning of the word—that one side was not

Of course this is both fair and legal. Collective bargaining is the most fair form of negotiations. Are you against unions?

The Owners ALWAYS hold up their end of the contract. There has NEVER been a case of the owner not fulfilling the contract. That the owner does not pick up the option on the contact is NOT a failure to fulfill the contact. Actually, NFL contracts were negotiated and are actually very fair. The owner takes risk in that

You misunderstand the meaning of honoring a contract. If a contract has 3 years guaranteed with 4 more optional, the contract is honored at 3 years and then the extension is honored if is picked up.

Most contracts have a set of penalties designated if either party fails to fulfill their contract . That in no way excuses the breach. To say there are designated penalty clauses in a contract does not imply breaching the contract is implicitly allowed. What is not appreciated is the team seldom enforces the full

All the salary scale issues you mention were collectively bargained in open negotiation. The agreement is just that, an agreement done by both sides, so neither can claim being taken advantage of.

The NFL structures contracts as most businesses do. There is a section of minimal services and compensation with an option to purchase more at a set rate. That is common business practice whether you are buying concrete or hours of lawyer time or NFL player services.

The NFL structures contracts as most businesses do. There is a section of minimal services and compensation with an option to purchase more at a set rate. That is common business practice whether you are buying concrete or hours of lawyer time or NFL player services.

Thanks for your racist comment.

Stephen A Smith is a racist. Everything is race with him so the idea that he goes to the last black to be in the organizational management chart is just Smith’s basic move. Lot’s of people are responsible for the Warriors-especially Curry who sets the tone as the team leader and management who paid the right players

Better coaching wins.

I think you underestimate how significant the enhancing drugs are at the pro level. The issue isn’t that a drug could make regular people players, the issue is that the enhancers make above average players into super players . Bonds would have finished his career with hundreds less home runs . He would be a good

You may be kidding but steroids totally changed baseball. Instead of regular shaped people playing a game of strategy, baseball became a game of bizarre hulks with tiny appearing sticks . Like watching hippos play with chopsticks.